What the previous linked code produces.
Ok, SwiftUI is getting interesting quickly. I really enjoyed the first challenge app in 100 days of SwiftUI day 19. github.com/mpattee/1…
Finished day 16 of 100 days of Swift UI, yeah I ended up just testing through the rest of the swift bits.
Completed day 10 of 100 days of SwiftUI
Completed day 9 of 100 days of SwiftUI
Finished day 5-8 between yesterday and today. 100 days of swift UI. I like how its broken down I just want to get to the part that’s new :)
Day 4 of 100 days of swift completed. I don’t think I’ve ever actually used named loops.
Completed day 3 of 100 days of SwiftUI, yeah its day two still, sue me, this isn’t exactly new and I’d like to get to the swift UI.
Completed day two of 100 days of SwiftUI, having used swift for quite awhile at this point it’s mostly review. However I did learn two little tidbits. “”” multi-line strings and default values on dictionary lookups. Seems like it would be more useful to provide a default value for a dictionary but you can’t do that.
Going to start doing the 100 days of SwiftUI so needed somewhere to post about it.
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